Most importantly, she taught me how to act in accordance to who I am and what I believe

“When I first walked into Haley’s office, I don’t really know exactly what I was seeking. An amalgamation of betrayals and losses had broken me beyond recognition. I wasn’t living up to my own rigid ideals of who I thought I should be. I was ashamed of the past, petrified of the future, and perpetually anxious in the present. I was completely lost. Simply put, Haley saved my life. She saw the light in me when I couldn’t see it in myself. Her kind, non-judgemental approach and honest nature not only gave me the space to heal, but helped illuminate the path forward. Our sessions  (consisting largely of CBT, DBT, motivational interviewing, solution focused briefing) helped me to gain the confidence to try, the self-respect to implement boundaries, and the fearlessness to go after the life I had previously convinced myself I couldn’t achieve. Most importantly, she taught me how to act in accordance to who I am and what I believe.  As a result, I  have been able to rise above my fears and actively live my life. I may never know what exactly I was seeking when I first walked in. What I do know is that I would not be the woman or living the life I am today without her guidance. I don’t see Haley regularly anymore; however, I know her door is always open if I need to walk back in. Thank you  for everything, Haley—you’ve left an indelible mark on my life.”  —MS


I felt comfortable with Haley right away; she is warm, professional and easy to relate to